N-xt - Specialties (Ferti- 'products')

N-xt specialties This includes the products that have been developed especially to create the necessary quality of crops. Our technology enables us to produce fertilisers that are a combination of bacteria and important trace elements (N-xt FertiVital). We also have a special product that is focused on administering Calcium (N-xt Calcium). The unique and high-grade specialties make an important contribution to a healthy growth and a fertile result.

Click here for all Specialties (descriptions)!


Recently N-xt Fertilizers developed a number of new products. They are an additive (N-xt FertiFix) for acidifying tank water when N-xt Leaf fertilisers are sprayed. Tank water with a pH of 5.5 produces better absorption capacity and that level is achieved with just a little N-xt FertiFix. Please ask about the possibilities.

N-xt Fertilizers also developed an organic sulphur fertiliser (N-xt Ferti-S) that is easy to mix with the N-xt Leaf fertilisers. Click here for more information and photos from the field

Finally, a new product has been added to the line (N-xt FertiSoil) that uses bio-stimulators to help bacteria and moulds to digest/convert crop remnants better into real humus. Click here for more information and photos from the field