One of the main advantages of a soil with a high humus content is the annual release of nutrients. Every year 2.5% of the total humus content (sandy soils) is broken down by mineralisation. This releases a range of nutrients and even trace elements for the plant and that is extremely important for plant growth. Humus is actually the best slow-release fertiliser for crops that is available anywhere at all.
In most analysis reports, the humus content is expressed as C organic. In a sandy soil with a humus content of 2.5% C organic, mineralisation means that each year 146 units of nitrogen are released. In a sandy soil with a humus content of 1.8% C organic, that is just 105 units of nitrogen
By using N-xt fertilisers the organic matter increases over the years. The non-salt properties of N-xt promote soil life and that increases soil activity and the build-up of humus. It is a slow process, but essential for a healthy soil.
To speed up the process, N-xt Fertilizers harnessed its technology to develop a product that contributes to an accelerated breakdown of crop remnants. This will create an optimum breakdown and that allows for a humus build up. CLICK HERE for the product N-xt FertiSoil