Humus level of the soil is important

Over the last 10 to 15 years the humus level of various soils has reduced strongly and in some cases it is no more than half. This has been demonstrated by a number of studies.
Yet, the humus level is extremely important. Humus makes sure that:
  • Soil particles stick together in larger crumbs.
  • The water-storage capacity improves (humus can contain up to 20x its own weight in water).
  • There is a pH-buffering effect.
  • The soil leaches very few nutrients.


Release of nutrients

One of the main advantages of a soil with a high humus content is the annual release of nutrients. Every year 2.5% of the total humus content (sandy soils) is broken down by mineralisation. This releases a range of nutrients and even trace elements for the plant and that is extremely important for plant growth. Humus is actually the best slow-release fertiliser for crops that is available anywhere at all.
In most analysis reports, the humus content is expressed as C organic. In a sandy soil with a humus content of 2.5% C organic, mineralisation means that each year 146 units of nitrogen are released. In a sandy soil with a humus content of 1.8% C organic, that is just 105 units of nitrogen

N-xt Fertilisers and humus

By using N-xt fertilisers the organic matter increases over the years. The non-salt properties of N-xt promote soil life and that increases soil activity and the build-up of humus. It is a slow process, but essential for a healthy soil.
To speed up the process, N-xt Fertilizers harnessed its technology to develop a product that contributes to an accelerated breakdown of crop remnants. This will create an optimum breakdown and that allows for a humus build up. CLICK HERE for the product N-xt FertiSoil