
Ferti-Life is also based on the effects of the applied enzymes. But this time it is not based on decomposition but rather on the recovery of the soil biology in general. It encourages the right groups of organisms. The aim is not so much knowing which groups these are, but knowing which enzyme reactions you want to encourage or slow down - that is what Ferti-Life is about. The consequences are the recovery of the fungi/bacteria ratio, a better soil structure, better root penetration and encouraging beneficial soil life.

Recommendation: 20 l/ha

  • Spraying throughout the field as early in the season as possible or in the autumn
  • Can be mixed with N-xt Calcium
  • Can be sprayed in combination with early week killer

The table below shows the differences between Ferti-Soil and Ferti-Life:




Its main properties:

  • Enzymes, organic compounds, trace elements Mn, Mo, Co, B (as a natural urease inhibitor)

  • Soil conditioner

  • Improves beneficial soil biology

  • Powerful soil catalyst


Ferti-Life in practice: effect on soil organisms